11 israeli exhibiting artists
In co-operation and with the support of the Israeli Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and the Brasov Art Museum, Romania
November 3 - November 19, 2006
Brasov Art Museum
Brasov, Romania
Curators: Harry Shaya / Israel Veronica Bodea Tatulea / Romania
Brasov Art Museum, Romania
The proposal of organizing an exhibition based on the works of some Israeli contemporary artists was immediately accepted, because it harmonizes with the interesting actions initiated by the Art Museum of Brasov which, for over a decade, has tried to present valuable national and international artistic creations to its public. Certainly, the selection offered by the organizers from Israel is significant in point of the creative means; the values of this artistic movement and the wide range of themes, trends and expressive and style orientations highlight the artists' interest in the contemporary world, the human personality and nature (in the wide sense of the word). The language, even if it is realistic, of traditional structure or it uses abstract signs with symbolical or metaphorical meanings, fits the interests of some artists who, as all world artists, peek at the intricacies of this enigmatical world, nourishing their thirst for cognition, dream and absolute. We are surely going to see things that bear the clear mark of a certain vision on existence, of the art, caught in the links of the destiny, weaving - parallel and together with the puzzling history of man - the never-ending story of his formation on the different geographical and spiritual meridians of the world. We wish to thank the organizers for the chance they have given to us of getting in touch with the artistic Israeli creation, a direct emanation of the essential freedom to be found in the inner nature of the men in that region.
Veronica Bodea Tatulea
The Art Museum of Brasov
November, 2006
The exhibition "Israeli Artists in Romania" is a high qaulity cultural event which allows us better knowledge of the Israeli art through the works of some remarkable artists.
I congratulate the Brasov Art Museum for their dedicated involvement in this event which, I think, will be appreciated by the wider public, but also by the specialists. Contemporary Israeli art is noticeable for its variety and richness of expression, and this will be proved by the works exhibited. This variety of expression is due to the fact that Israel represents a multi-cultural society in which there are brought together motifs and influences coming from different countries and cultures. A special feature of Israeli art is for me the powerful colours, a result of the geographical position of Israel, a mediteranean country enjoying abundent sun and light almost all through the year.
I want to express my conviction that, in a not too distant future, the presence of Israeli artists in Romania and also that of Romanian artists in Israel will become quite common. Cultural exchanges can only benefit both countries, and the more intense they are, the better the chances to know and appreciate each other. That is why the Israeli Ministry of Forreign Affairs and the Israeli Embassy in Bucharest make constant efforts to produce as many such cultural exchanges as possible, in various areas: theatre, film, literature, arts, etc.
We're looking forward to the future cooperation.
Rodica Radian-Gordon
Ambassador of Israel to Romania